A taste of school history

The present school –Scoil Chiarain Naofa was built in 1954 in the townland of cloosh .It replaced the old national school which was first opened on January 1st 1852 and now quaintly restored as a summer residence.
BUT !!!!
Early education began in Doorus with the setting up of a hedge school in Doorus in Knocknacillen during the end of the 18th century as a result of the penal law system and its consequential rules
enacted by the British parliament during the reign of William 111 and queen Anne.
Such rules were known as the

penal laws and educational laws included
No catholic could set up a school
No catholic could become a lawyer ,judge
No catholic could become a teacher
No catholic could go to another country to be educated
The hedge school in Kinvarra

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