On my visit to the aquaruim I leared that...
That sand can filter the water.
I also learned that Turtles eat Jelly fish in the aquarium. we did experiments on boats and rockets . There was lots of fish in the aquaruim. My favourite fish was Valintine. I realy liked the splash tank. I also liked the sea hourse but i did not understand how the male sea hourse was pregnant. I realy liked to feed to the mullet.


On the 20/3/07 our class went to salthill. This is what happened: first we went aquarium we were introduced to our guides, Emily and Cathlene. then they told us about the aquarium, after that we went to the lab.

The Labaratory

In the lab we were seperrated into two groups. I was in the first group so I got to do the experements first. Then we got parteners and we started experementing. The first experement was how to filter water without a proper filter, this will only work if you wlive neer the sea. Each pair got a cup of sand, we got a cup of dirty water, a round jar of gradvated cylender and some filter paper. First you put the gradvated cylender in the jar, then you put in th filter paper, after that you put in the sand and dirty water and when the water comes out it is perfectly clean!
Next we got a fishtank divided with a divider, in one half we had salt water and in the other we had bottled. Next we put red food water in the salt water. After that we lifted the divider and watched to see would it mix. But it didn't because clean water is lighter. When that was finnished we got a ball of playdough each we had to make a boat that wouldn't sink, suprisingly mine floated

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